What the F***??? The message read like this :
"Pls help my bf, he say he feel dizzy and want to faint d... dunno where is him now. can faster find him?"
Second message went like this:
"Im nt ok...Cant walk adi...So hot mor pening..No fren bsid me..Pening r..."
Third message:
"Pls help him. after i receive this message then no news from him d... pls... thank you."
What the hell is going on? I was in my chemistry tutorial. Suddenly, saw these kind of messages. My heart went up and down. Anything happened to him*? Oh my, what am I gonna do?
I left earlier from my class. Took a bus back immediately. Called my other roommate but he was in class too. We both search in different places. I called up Housemaster and requested him to check if he is ok or not.
When I almost reach my room, met Housemaster.
"When I opened the door, he was sleeping. Phone rang. A miss called I think."
"Thanks. It was me who called but he doesn't seems to pick up the phone. How is he doing?"
"He's fine I guess. Just woke up."
"Thanks alot Mr Zul!"
And I rushed to room. There he was! Awake, but seems to be weak. Talked softly. He was alright then. I guess he just lack of sleep. Dumb dumb!
Lectures all short; tutorials short; time to study short; and I didn't get to go pasar malam!!! Sob sob. Anyway, life's like that right?
What a day!!!!
why is this post so confusing?
ha? confusing? hahaah... I tot it is clear? probably due to the dizziness and i also affected gua.. hahahaah
y ur life so drama one?
A bit wu liao also... lol
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