And yeah, I bet his teacher trained him well. Never give up no matter what!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
OMG School's Reopening Soon!
Being lectured by senior on what to do and not to do but guess what? Everytime is a different thing and they just trying to make things easier and hard for my end of people. But like usual, how can we balance off these kind of situations are simple. One ear in, one ear out.
Thanks to various people who had helped me indirectly to pacify my piece of mind. I just gained another level in my patience.
And it's hot today. I wonder how my roommate can sleep. Maybe my deposited hydrocarbon chain retained much of the heat, or maybe, generated them.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Just For Laughs
Never jump on the beds in furniture show house anymore!
Don't you feel shame when animals also know how not to fight?
Dogs are always man's best friend
Prison Break - Panda version, starring SmartAss & DumbAss
*Puuuuuut..... Puuuuuut... * Luckily no one know it was me... Thank God
If you wished to save someone in case of emergency, this could be a good idea. Maybe a bit cruel, but you MIGHT just save a life.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
But, it's very very funny! I laughed out so damn blardy loud at my workplace when I saw this!
Enjoy people!
Click this for a good laugh ====> Laugh!
Monday, November 19, 2007
We Are The Champion!
Today, I'm very very very angry and upset with the seniors. They need us to get things done, but they don't assist us in the sense that guiding us in a better way.
Towards the end of the day, I noticed that all my colleague at my place is very very frustrating and very angry towards the same thing. You bet!
It's them! Not all, but that two of them. When have problem, they'll come and talk nicely to you, smile at you, answer your questions. But once they don't need you AT THAT PARTICULAR MOMENT, "Get the hell out of my way you idiot!".
It's really hard to work with people with two face. You know what killed the passions? Seniors who felt threaten. We can finish up their mess twice or thrice their speed. How about that? Will you feel threaten if your juniors having such great potentials?
And for God sake! Monday you telling me A, Tuesday B, and Wednesday F! How the hell am I going to know what is to what? And we are all not updated to the latest information. And when we ask, guess what? Yeah, screwed up in the ass!
Nonetheless, I have all the reason to feel angry today. It's not my fault and everybody feels it. Seniors, time for a change.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Family Comes First
And so I was at home, bringing back 6 Stairway To Heavens and of course, not all know how to savour it. Haha!
On Saturday night, my family and I went to Sushi King and I'm the house. Dad's eyes was running wild on those figures but, I told him that it's worth it because not all the time we get to be together and have dinner. The dinner costs only RM 150. And in exchange of fun and quality time with family, I think no doubt it's worth more than it costs.
In return of that "favour" that I've done on the night before, today morning my dad and mom made some breakfast!!! Haha! And they are all delicious!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I Salute You Ms L!
"Good morning, welcome to HP, this is Kenny, how may I help you?"
"Oh, Kenny ar. I spoke to you last time. My name is L.", payback time! "And I would like to know when I can get my computer ar?"
"Hmmmm, L ar... according to the system, I can see that my colleague had already informed you that the delivery will be next week. And can I know what's concerning you?"
"No la, I just want to know if I can get the PC earlier."
"Well, like what my colleague had informed you, there's no way we can expedite as the goods is not here in Malaysia yet."
"But you know ho...", there she goes, "Last time I heard another of your colleague said that I can get my goods by today(Lie 1). And now you telling me this. I wonder hor.... is it that HP is lying to us ar? I so pity those people who are purchasing the computers from you all lar."
"Errm, Ms L ar, normally, our customer called in and asked for order status, we'll inform them about the delivery date. And for normal customer hor, they accept and wait till the delivery day."
"So you are saying I'm not normal la now?"
"Oh no, of course not lah. I know that you concern so much about your computer that you scared HP took your money and didn't send you your goods ma... rite?"
"Yalor yalor! That's why la I now asking. How ar? Anyway you can help me ar?"
*And so, I advised her again to wait for the delivery date, again, again, and again.*
**This call lasts 10 minutes plus.**
"So, is there anything else I can help you Ms L?"
"Hmmm... guess that I have no choice but to wait lor.(Lie 2)"
"Ok then, have a nice day Ms L!"
"duuu... duuu... duuu..." She hung up.
--------------------------- End of Part I -----------------------------------
I sent email immediately after this to all my colleagues, ask them to transfer to me the call whenever they receive a call from her.
And as per expected, she called back. My colleague answered. She transferred to me.
"Harlo Ms L ar, anything ar? Kenny here!"
"Ha? Kenny ar? Aiya! You know what ar? Just now once you put down the phone ar(mind you, she put down the phone first - Lie 3), got this number SMS me already! It's from 2999 (Lie 3)!"
"What did it say Ms L?"
"It says : 'You will die! You will die! You will die!'(Lie 4) like that wo! I received 2 SMSes already(Lie 5)!"
"Wah(sacarsticly), then how ar? You know who sent it ar?"
"I dunno lor! I think must be your senior J or that K.(Lie 6). I know lar it musn't be you course once you put down the phone, I straight away got the SMS already. Sure is not you(I know she want to say is me). How come HP hire people like J and K one? Agent Y told me last time he fired K already(Lie 7). Sure la K revenge now!" took a long breathe, "I called up to Celcom and they checked the number, they said is from HP wo(Lie 8)! They asked me to call mata to lodge a police report(Lie 9)!"
"Oh really ar? Then you faster go to Celcom lar... Ask them print out the report, then you faster faster go lodge the report, then you ma can fast fast ask the mata come here catch people lor!"
"Ya lor, I think I want. Neh neh neh you see! Now I got 9 of the SMSes already(Lie 10)! Jior! Who is this lar?!!"
"Wah, got 9 already ar? OMG! Then you must faster go call mata lor! Ask them come fast fast, we have people here to talk to mata one! We can help them to catch the person who send the sms to you!"
"Must be that K la! I'm so scared now la(Lie 11)..."
"Don't be scared la... Faster call the police lar... I will personally help you to talk to police one!"
"Aiyo! Now you see got 6 SMSes already(Lie 12 - remember it supposed to be 9?)!"
"Eh?! I don't know I hear wrong or what, just now I thought you said 9?"
".....", silent for the few seconds, "You know hor... I must talk to your superior about this already la. I must call the mata also."
"Oh good good. I will help you at the same time. I'll go fill up form now, and get all the calls in between you and HP from the system and I'll hand over to the police. Oh ya, Ms L ar, YOU KNOW THE CALLS HERE ARE ALL RECORDED RITE?"
"Hhhh.... h... Ha? All recorded ar?" Conversation came to a halt. I smiled in vain.
"Ya lor, then how are? When you want the police to come ar? I need to faster tell my supervisor ler..."
"I think no need already la. So ma huan(Lie 13). I will wait lar... Better don't let me receive that SMS again(Lie 14)! Bye!"
"Have a nic...... Ms L", as she hung up. Talk time timed: 20 minutes and 14 seconds.
You know what? I just enjoy talking to her. All the time. Can you see how many lies she created within that little amount of time? And I really respect her for her creativity and her courage to talk big, till I informed her that all calls were recorded.
Desperate people are just damn good in reaching their goals. This is for you, Ms L.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Say Thank You With Your Heart, Not Mouth!
In my department, we have always been doing the same thing everyday. However, I still find that it's fun. Very fun indeed.
You got to talk to many people and you can really see how people reply to you. 99% of them will say "Thank you" while the 1% will just throw their receivers somewhere without saying the magic word. We always get used to the 1%'s behaviour as we know, not many are polite.
I personally think that, I am responsible enough to every single customer that I've got, and I attend to their need all the time and I even OT-ed for them. And of course, you always get to hear the phrase "Thank you" from them. However, how many really meant it?
Haha! The number doesn't really matter. Let me share with you some examples:
I received an email today and this is part of it:
"Until yesterday I called again and spoken to Mr. Kenny Yeoh and was told the delivery will have to wait another few weeks. I complaint to him regarding the delivery and lucky he was helpful enough to ask the person in-charge to keep me posted on the tentative delivery date."
Although this is not considered as formal compliment in my company, I, nonetheless, felt very happy as I know that I've done my part and I somehow helped this customer.
I OT-ed till 7 something. I made the last call of the day. Towards the end of conversation, :
"Ms XXX, that'll all be it. Is there anything else I can help you at it?"
"Oh nothing much already. Thanks a lot Kenny."
"Well then, have a nice day miss."
"You too. Oh ya, by the way, don't work till too late wo. Bye!"
I smiled, "Thanks a lot miss. Bye."
I don't know if you get the moral of the story or not. All I want to say is, a few lines of words that comes from the bottom of your heart can make someone's day. It's just a simple few lines. Especially when the customer told me "Dont work till too late", it totally melt my heart off and let me know that my OT is worth it for this customer as people know how to appreciate.
Do say words of appreciation if needed. People like me might get tens of hundreds of complaint calls a day but just this one customer at the end of the day had made my day worth it all.
And enjoy the following clip by Vitas the Fake.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Mother Earth Is One Of The Most Beautiful Thing I Ever Had
Last Sunday went to a pasar malam in Kepong and my friends introduced me to this.
Hell yeah! Really aroma across a thousand miles. I'll never eat it again unless it's the last food on Earth!
Monday, November 12, 2007
KNN a CCB... TMD ar MCH!
"Err, did you overcharged?"
"You didn't know meh? Petrol now all go up already! The sticker also out already. Just that I didn't buy ma... I'll buy tomorrow and stick it up!"
Yeah, hell yeah! How come the Ministry of Trasportation only informed the taxi drivers that there's a raise but not the people huh? I requested for the receipt.
"No problem." happily he given me the receipt and off he fled.
I checked on the receipt and I laughed. His plate number was HWC 4780 and guess what's on the receipt? HWC 1234. Of course la he happily giving people the receipt all over the place!
Today morning when I was waiting for LRT, I was standing at the most front. Then the LRT came. Once it stopped, an amazingly fast super huge wantan zapped in front of me and gushed in.
*Lunch time*
"How much ar?"
"5 ringgit only... Hehe!"
Feel like punching that fat ass lady in her face.
I took plain rice, with a piece of flat-chested babi meat, and some long beans. Come, let's play Guess It game. Come come.. guess how much.
Nope. C'mon, you can do better than that!
Yeah! It was RM 5.30 ONLY.
Now that there's only a few more hours to go before a new day arriving, be patience I shall. Just a few more hours to go....
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Riot In Masjid Jamek!
It happened on the very road that I used to travel everyday to work! THAT VERY ROAD!
And this one I bought them on my way back from TS. You MUST TRY "Stairway to Heaven" from Bread HisStory. Oh, I also realised that, there's actually another shop by the name of Bread History. Don't go to the wrong shop. It's Bread Story.
The 2 long long ones are the Stairway to Heaven. Damn nice!
And that traitor that I've eyed on damn long ago till now, is my stupid mouth and stomach. The main culprit will be the eyes and the nose!
Just imagine, Genki Sushi, Pavilion, Ichiban Ramen, Big Apple, Starbucks, Gasoline, J Co, and now, Bread Story.
Damn BIG TRAITORS to my wallet.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Pavilion One Day Trip
Went to Pavilion with Ray and Chia Wuen, and I'm the brightest and biggest spotlight ever. Pavilion is really big, to me at least. It's really a heaven for shopping but definitely, not for dummies like me. There are 7 stories if I'm not mistaken and the 7th floor - Seventh Heaven is ONLY for ladies, but too bad it's not open yet.
A lot of shops here are double stories, such as Burberry, err... err.. forgot already. One whole stretch is double storey shops selling all kind of brands of outfit.
Pavilion's restaurants(majority) basically, stick to one concept.
Such big crowd... What's happening?
They'll have their cook to cook in front of the audience/customers.
Took our lunch in Ichiban Ramen
These people really work non-stop
Ray ordered ramen
This is my Onagi Set
Here we have the breakdowns:
The Onagi
Pickles, egg and fried brinjal
The Salad that makes you feel like you are chewing on grass
The rice
The soup
The fruits
And they're all gone!
When I thought that I had finally finished my meal and reading on the shopping guide, here came the steam egg with prawn and mushroom! Not bad!
And as promised Mini, here's your donuts..