Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Mean Girls / My "Diary"
Well, it's kinda educational, to me at least. It's funny, violent at the same time ( remember the part where Regina was knocked down by the bus? Eeewww ). To me, it seems to be that being frank to the people hate, dislike, is something really good. The most basic things to do when you are in a conflict is to confront, most of the time.
Confronting someone you dislike is easy? Naw.. It's tough. Perhaps tougher than to say "sorry" sometimes . Why does human backstab others (including of me also, somtimes --- we are human ma)? Is it really fun to do so? Or just by doing it, you are able to show others that you are persuasive?
I don't know. I just don't know. But, human can't live without these thingy rite? Human live to face all the challenges throughout all their lives. Watching Mean Girls itself, really made me reflect back those silly things which I did last time. I thought Mean Girls was just merely comedy. I was wrong! Human's biggest problem is communication. To get known to somebody, speak. To get rid of a problem, discuss. To express your love to someone, most-of-the-time, tell. Everything is about communication. Anyhow, anyway, you can't escape from being communicate with others, even if you are mute. There are alot of other means that you can communicate with people.
Communication itself, is the most destructive tool, but also the most effective tool in convincing others, as well as motivating others to be better. Words are sharper than knife. Be careful when you pick your words. Be considerate. Be sensitive, about who is the one you are addressing those words to. Some people is just too fragile, some are over sensitive.
Midnight yesterday, around 2 something, I received a SMS. I was kinda blur at that time. After I woke up and saw the message again, I sat down and had a little thought on it. I think I shall call it an end. Disrupting people's life isn't good, right? Making the party felt insecured, although my intention was not that. I know. I felt it. I might feel the same if it was me. The feeling of insecure, might break people up, but also patch people into one piece again. I wish you luck, my "diary". Of course, we still can exchange thoughts using other mean of communications. Keep in touch. People outside there who are reading my blog, treasure those who are in front of you now. Don't ever let them go even if you hate them. Thanks again, "diary".
Monday, May 29, 2006
Yes To? Or Not To?
It's with me...
First of all, go to a ball gotta bring a partner rite?
Naw... Everyone tell me NOT NECESSARY.
Secondly, what am I going to do there? I'm such suakoo and know nothing about dancing.
Who asked you to dance? Just go there and enjoy. *Sigh*
Well, till the end, it's still me. Maybe I should just go and see how they organise a ball at a university level and I'll learn, then next year join as committee, perhaps? Ok, I'll consider that... I said to myself.
I reached back my room around 1915 after dinner.
"Hey, I already bought your ticket. " said my roommate.
(O_o)? What? Bought already? Great! Now that I've no need to crack my brain anymore.
Things has been decided. Well, I'll just dress up like how I did last year and two years back in the prom, but this time, with a jacket.
Hope that I do look good in my new outfit (with the 3-year-old long sleeves and pants and of course my tie ) and maybe get to attract some ...... Ah.. Never mind.
Well, I'm there to learn this time. That's my main objective! Other than that, it'll just be decorations to what happen that night. Now i'm anxious and longing to go to UTAR Ball...
Sunday, May 28, 2006
年輕人就會出現,他會陪女孩說說話 ,或是逗女孩開
原來女孩希望用時間來沖淡年輕人對自己的感情 ,
她心想,一天夾1個娃娃, 最快也要三個多月之後才有
就這樣1 天,2天,3天..,年輕人的娃娃數量不斷的累積,
可惜的是,年輕人始終沒出現, 只剩下那台沒人使用的
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Lyric by Buttercup
I’ll never be with you.
This is my very first lyric. I don't know music at all. If there's anyone out there who can comment about my lyric(s) and also compose the musics, it'll be nice. Do comment more about my lyric(s) especially. Thanks everyone!
p/s : English lyric(s) will be coming up soon when I have the inspiration. (^^,)
Being Late
"Some ppl (like me) that are always on time, don't like to wait, BUT, there's always something in our mind(mostly): They might have something that drag them, till they're forced to be late. But of course, not as long as half an hour or one hour or more!
Well, what I can suggest to everyone is like :
1st, treat an appointment like a traffic jam. I'm sure you'd experienced tht before... Why traffic jam? You can try to put yourself in "their" shoes. They just keep waiting. Things that they want to do stranded at home or work place because of the traffic jams(waitings). Like you people would mostly write in your essays, "Never leave home too late and never expect that the traffic is better". "Their" mood, if it is an outing, might be spoilt just by the waiting.
2ndly, which is what I always do. I always plan to arrive at my destination at least 5 mins before the appointment time. In such, I got extra 5 to 10 minutes to do adjustment if i need to(which is like finding car parks and so on).
3rdly, if you doesn't wish to be late, but really caught up with something or traffic jam, do called up the person or at least, SMS the person maybe aorund 15 minutes to half an hour in advance. AT LEAST. This will show your responsibility to others and you do care about your job and customers(as in the corporate world). Some of u might say, why such trouble? Fren fren gathering onli ma, why so ma huan? Well, to be honest, I believe you all know that too, it'll eventually become a habit and a habit is hard to be removed/changed.
Well poeple, this is not directed to one person only. It's open to everyone, no matter you are the one who's always punctual or late. For those who are always late, this is a good opportunity for you to change. Change to a better person. Be responsible to your surroundings. Do put yourselves into other people's shoes. For those who are always early, you should know that, it's not all their fault that this become their habit. We should blame this on the culture. The Malaysian's culture. Have u ever seen VIPs, MPs, and those so called well-educated people (some of them) arrive early ( I think arrriving early is too much for the VIPs) or ON TIME? Oh, I'm 20 now and I think I have never seen it even once. How come ar?? They have all those traffic police escort them and still late? What the hell is all these supposed to mean? Isn't it? But of course, for those who're always late, never take this as an excuse for you if you want to change the habit now. That is not right.
To sum everything up, everyone is unique. For those who are successful, are those who are MOST responsive to change and NOT TO STAY. If you want to guaranteed a job (or before that) a recommendation letter (which most of you never thought of) from your faculty's Dean, or wat so ever, we all should change.
Again, I did not address this to one particular person. All that are with the name of homo-sapiens should read it and I hope that you all will gain something from it and I'm REALLY SORRY to EVERYONE that I always voice out my opinion this way and regardless your feelings. I'M SERIOUSLY SORRY and please forgive my foolishness."
There goes the quote. People. It's time to change. Never take things and people for granted. You'll regret from it one day. It's just the matter of time for all the pay-backs to take place. I'm not being harsh, but to warn you. I, hereby, wish everyone luck in turning into a new leaf. GAMBADE!
Friday, May 26, 2006
Nunchaku In Taekwondo and Results!!!!
He taught alot of basic techniques, and I found out that alot of my techniques ( I did not really learn before ) were so similar! Am I that talented? Haha... Those techniques although are basics, if I can master them then I can come out with my own technique!!! I must train harder this time!
I never knew that I actually got to learn Nunchaku in Taekwondo beause in Taekwondo, you can really hard to see a weapon as we are more towards hands and legs techniques.
Finally, after a long long long long long wait, my last semester's final exam results' are out! I would't say that I got a very good result as I think I should get worse (*something in between that is not to be mentioned here) due to "something". I got A for English Language, B+ for Principle of Economic, B for Mathematics, A for Computer Studies, B- for Biology and Chemistry I got a A-. CPA and CGPA are both 3.45 . Maybe you might say that I take things for granted but I know where do I stand in this case. Sigh. If there's a ranking, I can't even made it into the Dean list. Sad sad... I must gambade!!!! Students out there that are sitting for their exams, you too must gambade o~ Give you guys something, it helps me througout the exam and it motivates me everytime I look at it! I hope this motivation lasts forever for me and probably, for you too!
NOW = study now
OR NEVER = or you might/never get the chance again
Moral of this phrase = Do what you can to study now. Of course, at the same time, don't over-stressed yourself. If you know that you've already done your best, that's enough. DO NOT REGRET LATER, IF, YOU DID NOT STUDY NOW.
To show my appreciation from whom I got this phrase, I wanna announce to the world that, THANKS MINI-CHAN! You helped alot!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
I learn how to play Dot.A recently. Well, I'm a noob after all. I started to realise why people like it so much. It really require alot of skills, hand and eyes combination, and unexpectedly, courage!!!! Funny rite? I never knew this game need all this until now, after my roommate teach me yesterday.
Hmmm, a good thing and a bad thing are starting at the same time huh? Good = I can play Dot.A already; Bad = I hope it won't affect my studies, and I mustn't let it to do so!! After all, it's only beginning of the semester. Towards the 2nd or 3rd week I won't have that much of free time already.
Just now when I was chatting with one of my friend, she suddenly said that she gotta go because her house was robbed!! Nowadays, robbers, snatch thieves are everywhere. Guys and girls, please look after yourselves and your family properly. Also, I read a blog. He wrote this :
Please be careful on the road.
With this I would pray that the Lord up above
having Alan (WIlson's younger brother) in his arms
and take good care of him.
Please do be careful on the road, Alan passed
away from a road accident. He wan's wearing his
helmet that doesn't mean all car drivers are safe.
Please do be careful.... My codolences again...
God BLess him and his whole family. Amen.
Be careful on road. Be a responsible driver. Be responsible to others also.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Bloody ........
Well, like usual, I got my number, get my blood pressure checked, then move on to verify data, then to check the blood type again. For those who did not donate before, they check your blood type by using a pin to pock a hole in your finger, mostly middle finger. Why? According to them, there are more veins there. What is it like when they pock it? Oh, simple, you'll first hear the sound "click" then your finger is bleeding already, but, how pain is it.? Well, have you ever staple a staple into your hand or fingers? Yeah, it's something like that.
Then, I waited for my turn. I saw a place empty but I didn't take it. It's because the chair has a arm rest that is for right hand. I don't want my right arm to be pocked!!!! Sigh.. "Hey boy, please sit over there. Don't worry. It won't hurt." said the nurse. Oh my God!!! It's like, how many? 20 person around there looking at me. It's not that I'm scared or what. I just don't want my right arm to be pocked. Still, I sit on the chair and nurse started to inject me with "bius" and then the show has started. She pocked that big head needle into my vein. OOOOOOUUUUCCCCHH!!!! Haha.. Gotca!!! There's no pain at all. Numb already ma... Haha...
Well, unexpectedly, people from the UTAR Marketing Department also came. Then, the three of us started to compete to see who finish the donation first. Needless to say, I am the winner! Hehe... I rested on the chair for a short while then I go get my Milo and a packet of goodies.
Well, like what I've said before, UTAR's co-curicular activities really sucks most of the time. Even it is so, after seeing the effort of the First Aid Society's members, I made up my mind to take part in it too. I gave my name and contact number, but, I'll be contacted again to see if the application is approved or not. I hope I get my application pass through and also this society will be active. Don't fail me ya First Aid Society.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Arrgh!!! What's Wrong With My PC and MSN Today? And The Gal... Who Is She?
After a few times restarting, it's still the same. Damn!!! ARRRGGHH!!! Luckily, I'd experienced the similar problems before. So I got to settle the problem based on my basic knowledge.
Yeah!!! Finally my computer get to start already... Ok.. I opened all the normal applications, until... MSN!!! "Your gateway is currently offline." What? What was that? *My blood started to boil already* I check all the places, connectivity, password, e-mail address, ect ect... All was ok.. Suddenly I saw the time in the right down corner of my screen. It was written 1235 (pm). I was stunned! I checked the date. 27th May 1996. Can you imagine that? Guess who's the culprit? It's that stupid CMOS again!!!! ARRRRGHHH! Feel like "dissecting" my laptop and crush that stupid CMOS!!!
After changing the date, everything got back to normal but when I restart my pc, still, that CMOS still bugging me badly. Looks like I gotta find some experts in Pyramid to get me something like a battery to settle this stupid CMOS!
Well, after all, today isn't that bad. I saw a girl after my school. She waved to me. I replied. Then we both just passed by like that. Then I realised that I know this girl but I don't know this gal as well! She's so familiar to me but I couldn't recall who she is. As I recalled back, I remembered that I'd spoke to her once but I dunno when and what's the content.
She's just like someone who's close to me but I just couldn't remember a thing. I don't even know her name. Everytime when I try harder to recall who she is, my forebrain portion endure a severe pain. Don't know why. I just couldn't recall. I hope to see her one day again and ask her who she is. It's a funny kind of experience that just like in the drama. Like, someone in your past life. That kind of feeling is weird. Nice. Scary. I just couldn't find the correct word to describe it. Anybody help me?
Monday, May 22, 2006
I meme? I dunno. I just copyrighted ohters.
I JUST NOW: was blogging, read others' blog... Chatting msn..
I SAID: " never be late, even a second!" when i'm carrying out duty as a leader.
I WANT: a gf perhaps but maybe not now. I want all my beloved families, frens to be blessed, as well as those who are suffering from disaster, war and so on. God bless everyone!
I WISH: I was slimmer too, less pimples and oily face and also smarter in every sense.
I HATE: people being late for appointments. Never be late if you got a date with me unless u got a solid reason or excuse for that!!!
I MISS: my frens from Klang, olden days, NS frens, soft skill course frens.
I FEAR: just like Esther. I wonder wat love really is. Haha. I fear that I dun have enough time to do all the things tht I want to do but i'll do my best to complete them all.
I HEAR: the radio making some noise but dunno wat the DJ talking bout.
I WONDER: if I'm able to discover cures for cronic diseases world wide.
I REGRET: not studying and din put all my effort in. I regretted but i dunno y still doing it. help me
I AM NOT: wat u see actually, only those who know me know tht i'm actually not what you see of me on the surface only.
I SING: to express myself. Of course. I'm a terrible singer. See, it's gonna rain d.
I CRY: I cry? I alr lost the ability to cry so long ago. I wish I could. I would like to know what is the feeling of crying again.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: tht "bad people". Look to the inner me. It's beautiful on the inside. I'm kind. haha!
I MADE: my bed. I can do some simple maggie mee cooking. I can do chores.
I WRITE: my feelings, expressions in my blog. just that i regret i couldn't place names there.
I CONFUSE: when gals, especially, giving funny "clues", "tips" or "body language".
I NEED: money to support my family
I SHOULD: be studying now.
I START: my day at 0600, sharp everyday except sun.
I FINISH: doing some thinking.
I TAG : kavume, peggy, amy da great, mini-san.
First Day of Skool
Well, as expected, PA block was flooded with homo-sapiens. Really scary. Heads everywhere. New faces everywhere. It's kinda weird this time. Leng Cais everywhere but I can hardly see Leng Luis. Never mind.
Guess what? I was in UTAR today at 0723. The total lecture hour today is only 2 hours and 15 minutes. The last class ended at 1700. Just imagine what I did the whole morning. Thanks to the "free time" given, I discovered a very nice site. Go and have a look at it.
Things are going on well. New roommate, ok. Timetable, ok. Results? Uncertainty. Just wait and see.... Adios.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Tomorrow School Starting Already!
Well, a new roommate has come in. He's not bad looking, honestly... And his sister not bad too! Haha. I'm bad. Sadly, I don't have the courage to even know the name as usual. Never mind! It's destiny. Let the God decide it.
You’re Beautiful – James Blunt
My life is brilliant
My life is brilliant
My love is pure
I saw an angel
Of that I’m sure
She smile at me on the subway
She was with another man
I won’t lose no sleep on that
Cause I’ve got a plan
You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful is true
I saw your face
In a crowded place
And I don’t know what to do
Cause I’ll never be with you
Yeah she caught my eye
As I walked on by
She could see from my face
That I was, flying high
And I don’t think that I’ll see her again
But we shared a moment
That will last till the end
Repeat Chorus
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la laa…
You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful is true
There must be an angel
With a smile on her face
When she thought that I
That I should be with you
But is time to face the truth
I will never be with you.
Recently read some other blogs and they did enlightened me. Things that happen in this world is and are always unpredictable although you might get to control some of the events. Galaxy, Planets, Earth, Nations, Governments, People. All are randomly and rapidly changing and we won't know until it's too late. Wrong decision is being made. Bribary everywhere. "People killing People dying, Children hurting and they're dying".
People fell apart, patched again. People do love each other but they never know how to address their love to others properly or in a way that they wanted to. Communication is the key to this problem. Being caring, understanding and tolerate play important roles in a Man's life. "Appreciate people and things in front of you. Do not regret when you lost them later because you never learn to appreciate -- A Chinese Saying".
PEOPLE! LOVE is in the air! Learn to grab them and let LOVE guide us to our future!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
After Such Long Time...
Today, went to give a hand out in UTAR's orientation. Well, maybe I'm kinda a spoiler but err, nvm la.. If not I'm not Kenny d. Well, starting itself is not well-organised already, but this is normal isn't it? The timing was kinda a mess, groups were flying everywhere. End up, chaos( not that bad la ).
Still, I must compliment that all the organising committee members and those facilitators, game master and helpers were well co-operated and kinda restore the situation. During the post-mortem, the KENNY has been released from it's seal ( if you watch Naruto, just like tht Kyuubi in Naruto's stomach ). I really blast them "kao kao" but i feel bad also... I'm merely a helper and not much contribution that I'd made, but my mouth just like chicken backside, keep on blasting people. Arghh, thing that I hate most is punctuality. I really wonder when Malaysian can get rid of that name. Maybe i'm too much also la. Sigh. I was in school 0630 ( I was afraid that no public transport but eventually a cab came by ) just to wait for tht guy who's gonna brief me sharp at 0700. And he was never seen. Untill everything has started. Nvm.. I always bad-mouthed people. I'm bad.
Well, people always like that isn't it? Because of different kind of people on this Earth, hence our lifes become more colourful and more challenging. Throughout our living days, we grow because of these people. So whenever you encounter one, please do not hate them. Thank them instead! They brought out the inner you and show you a better way of life!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Finally It's Over...

From left : Me, UTAR's President Tan Sri Dr Ng Lay Swee,followed by Lau Yi Xing and Loh Chia Hur (my emcee partners)
Today everything went on well... I delivered my "speech" and I think I've done my very best and I hope I did not let any party down. I also greatly wanna deliver my gratitude to those participants from Class 1 and Class 2 for being punctual and co-operative! Special thanks to Class 2, although I did not know them much, maybe less than an hour, but, they still very nice! Me feel like dropping my tears now.. So touched! I'm not lying here! They are all nice people! Everyone there! Really hope to meet you all again, anywhere!
Time flies.. When in the first day of the programme, I feel like going back home due to tireness and so on but on this very day.. I'm reluctant to move my legs from the graduation hall. I really feel that throughout all these days, I've seen people of all kinds, and also discovered ourselves using all kinds of method! We are all now, a better person, with higher self-esteem, and also much better in communicating with other people! I've seen one of my coursemate, she drew so much of her courage to present in the class. She did well and guess what, she cried after that. That very moment made me feel that, she's really brave that she broke through the barrier and she shed her tears of happiness!!! I'm very proud of her and I'm sure that all trainers felt the same!
To all Intensive Immersion Programme participants, CONGRATULATIONS! You'd made the correct decision by joining this course! Gambade and keep in touch!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Busy, Tiring, Speechless, and Hungry Day
Well, you might just couldn't imagine how fast a person can change from a harmony-looking "somebody" into a real dictator... I gotta learn to deal with this type of people... Maybe it's a "pay-back" time to me for what I've done during secondary school time? Haha.. God knows!
Sigh.. so sad.. I'm actually forced to go back to my home tommorow but not Friday... You might ask why sad? Well, the answer is simple... I missed you all lo.... My dear MSN, FRENSTER, BLOGS.... Haha... I can only get in touch with you guys again only after a week or two... Anyway, gambade in everything you do ya!!! If you missed me, I'm just a call away o~~
Here's some pics my frens took during these few days...

This is the pic taken in Seminar 4 with my fellow coursemates...

sorry.. dunno how to rotate it... looks like kena bully or like opera ppl o wat? panda maybe? hehe..FYI, i put on lipstick and gloss too!!! Muuuaaaksss!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Buttercup's Day Out

I supposed to borrow a coat from a UTAR staff but it turned out that, he needed to use it as well on the same day same time, so i'll have to proceed to my Plan B. Once my course for today is done, I rushed back to hostel and took a quick bath, took my dinner and rushed to the huge Mid Valley. It was kinda jammed on the way there.
Guess what? It is so big that I had to looked at the directories to find Men's Wear. And I was wondering, what the hell is their management doing... So many of their directories are wrong!!! Some of them even led me to lingeries shop and other stupid shops... Such huge organisation make such silly mistake.
Well, Mid Valley isn't that big, rite? WRONG!!!!! I lost my way inside there. It's like, how many stories? 5? I went to each and every floor to find those shops that sells coat, department stores all, and the result was satisfying, but err.. those shops ho.. cheapest is RM398.00 and NO DISCOUNT!!!! My eyeballs almost fell out.. but that is not the best part.. there's one store I saw, selling coat itself only.. guess how much? RM200? Naw.. it's RM2000!!!! My soul almost leave it's container. Such piece of thing need so much? I think I should become tailor also arr...
Finally, after almost 2 hours, I finally found something I want. It's by SUAVE, RM199.00. Luckily not RM200.00. I wanted a size 52 ( I don't really know how they measure ) but those which are available only size 50 and 54. When I tried on the 50's, I look so cool... but err.. can't breathe. So gotta take the 54's. I quickly paid and went back.
Oh, again, I lost my way.. I dunno where's the exit. I turn round and round, asking people on my way.. and I got my way to the taxi and went back to hostel.
I calculated, a SUAVE coat, RM 199.00, taxi fee ( go and forth ) RM 10.40, mineral water, RM 0.45. OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! It was a total of RM 209.85!!!!! Why so expensive one??? Jior... My pocket got a burnt hole already.... This amount of money is equal to my monthly expenses on food in PJ!!!! Damn... This month I can become thinner already.. Should have bought the size 50 one...
Since the first day I stay in PJ, I've never travel to places other than university and hostel itselves. Only TWICE I went out to Mid Valley from PJ, the very first time was due to the "value-added" water that smells "nice", and the second time , this. Maybe I should go out more often. If not, I might lost my way back to home one day...
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Boring Sunday That Turns Out To Be Meaningful Now
Oh ya.. China WON the Thomas Cup and Uber Cup rite? Hmmm, they must have grown stronger since the last tournament. It's such a waste that Hisham(or Hashim I dunno) lost that match. If not it might be that Malaysia is fighting against China and probably won the title!!!Denmark also a very strong team I would say... It should be the 8th time they went into final but lost.
I just really don't understand why does people like long holiday. I can't stand it.. Anyone would like to suggest me to do anything besides shopping, outing?
Well, it is also nice to know that outside there, they are people who are like me... Lonely sometimes, yet, still facing the outside world challenges and also fighting against the devil inside ourselves. Angels will always try their best to tell you not to do this and that but devils only have to show you a candy bar and you'll follow them. To those who are outside there reading and facing a problem currently, always remember, God is always be with you. With your strong will, confidence, everything will eventually turn out to be fine. Let bygone be bygone and look forward into the future with a truthful smile on your face. "If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours"--quoted from a friend. Share your love not only with those who you love all these while... Open your heart to other people and just look around you, there are still many people who is more unlucky than you, at least, you still have clothes to wear, a shelter over your head, family that treasures you, and friends around you. Some of them outside there might not have even one of the mentioned. Whatever religion you are, when you pray, pray for others as well. I did not say this myself, I quoted it from the Al-Quran... sounds funny? well, I take what I think is logical and practical. So are you, don't always listen to what others say and follow blindly, think, digest, then absorb what you want and throw those useless ones away.
Something New
新的元素, 新的开始!


Saturday, May 06, 2006
Great Day Playing Around With Makeup Products
Shiseido Makeup and Hair Styling Session
Well, the session started sharp at 0900. I like that. There goes the introduction of the trainers and hair stylist. Wow… One of the trainer not bad looking huh…haha, too bad that you guys out there can’t see her cause I don’t have a camera. A total of 4 of them, 3 ladies and one gentleman --- the hair stylist. The lesson started off with introductory of our skins blab bla bla.
Then they gave us small sample of their products so that we can perform the instructions as they are teaching. The sample bag inclusive of CLEANSING FOAM FOR MEN, TONING LOTION FOR MEN and MOISTURIZING EMULSION FLUIDE FOR MEN, PURENESS REFRESHING WATER, some makeup brushes, lipstick brush all… these are for guys and gals get something like that too. I can’t remember well those steps cause the terms she used are so AMAZING, but as what I’d observed, all other guys seems to be blur along with me, expect for one majority group of gals, seems to be understand her well and perform all the techniques correctly. I RESPECT GALS in this sense. Haha! The cleansing part takes roughly 20 minutes.
Here comes the makeup portion. She started explaining techniques to put the foundation powder all… Guys were just gazing at the gals around them, eyes soaring around soullessly and helplessly, not knowing what to do. Well, I kinda miss those days I put makeup on my face ( I often go for performance when I was young and those makeup were put on by my mom or my teacher ). Hence, I started to pick up the sponge and put the foundation powder on my face… people around was stunned at first, guys especially, but then a few followed and started too. It was fun applying those stuffs on my face, after all, it’s my first time doing this!!! After the foundation powder, I applied some kind of rose colour powder, they called it eye shadow I think, and I tried to use the “smokey” technique I saw some where on TV and I end up becoming something like a red-eyed-panda or better known as the Chinese Opera performers. Well, I don’t really mind about that because it’s my first time and it’s my masterpiece!!! I am a piece of art myself! Then I applied the mascara ( is it spelt this way? ) on eyelashes. I almost end up becoming a pure panda, thanks to my shaky hands. After applying it.. OH SHIT!! My eyelashes stick together!!! HELP!! But err.. I can still take pictures and posing to the cameras.. it’s kinda sad that the pictures are not ready to be uploaded yet. I’ll do so when it’s ready. I then seek help from the expert ----trainers from Shiseido to remove those dried up mascara for me cause I couldn’t remove it myself.. dumb dumb me.
Then it’s the hair styling session. I don’t really get what he’s trying to tell and it’s a bit too brief. I think he’s better at practical instead of explaining things to the GALS especially. The session was too brief and only last for one hour. At the end of the session, he asked the crowd :“Any question you can come and see me privately after the session ends!” I can see smiles hanging around on gals face at this very moment. Once the session was announced dismissed, just imagine a hundred over gals rushed to him to get tips on what kind of hair style and this and that. His head gotten bigger. –end-
Friday, May 05, 2006
Force of the Nature... + Surprise!!!

Chapter Force of the Nature...
I woke up like usual today,but was very tired. Dunno y... I cleaned up myself like usual, walk down to bus stop with my sleepy eyes and body. I got up d bus at 0720 and gave d UTAR bus ticket. I choose a seat near the window. I always enjoy watching out from a vehicle. The bus departed from Millenium Court ( the place that I currently staying in PJ ) at 0738. It turned into Seksyen 17 and something really caught my eyes. Branches were everywhere. BIG,small,thin,fat branches were all over on the ground. The bus took a few more turnings. Traffic lights were hit by the branches and fell on the road. Glass shattered into pieces and all overy the place.

When the bus going nearer to UTAR, i saw a tree unrooted, tearing the ground together with the roots. The tree almost crash into a furniture expo building. According to my friend who is staying in Seksyen 17, a few buildings lost their caps and a car was pushed downhill by an unrooted tree, hanging it at a slope. The car could not be tow-ed because it's stuck in the middle of the slope with mud around.
It is really scary to think that Mother Earth is starting to show off her anger against Her most precious child --HUMAN, who she think that will be able to look after Her and preserve Her as she was. She must be very frustrated and upset that the child that She put all Her hopes and effort in, has now turn Her back on, killing Her slowly by giving Her some toxic liquids to drink, put some puff in Her face,trying to choke Her to death. My dear siblings from all over the world, it is time for us to put a halt to all this. Our Mother won't be able to hold it any longer if these continue. It is time to stop because She is only showing off Her cane, She haven't hit it in our face,yet. -end-
Chapter Surprise!!!
*Continued from above*
I reached UTAR a late from usual, thanks to those branches. I drank too much water when i woke up so decided to take a leak after i placed my bag. As I was walking down the lane towards the toilet, Miss Mary, one of the Organising Committee of the Soft Skill Competency Unit approached me. "Young man, I think your English is not bad. Here's something to offer you. Would you like to be the MC for the closing ceremony of this intensive course?" said she. I was so shocked at that time. I thought she's gonna scold me because of something wrong that I did. "Another guy will be the other MC,too." she add on. My English was NO GOOD after all and that's why I'm setting up this blog to improve it. After thinking a while, I like, ok, why not? Since it is a great chance to learn something new. Training will be provided. Although there's nothing much to speak, I'll get to learn something new in different method and according to her, a small training is provided. Not only that, I'm able to show off to UTAR's President, with my...English ("'-_-"'). Haha.. So, it's a deal! I do hope that this given opportunity will give me a better learning of conveying messsages to others more confidently and clearly. Yay, I'll do my best and give all I have into it!
Well, today I learnt quite alot from the course. I get to speak to people in a better now(hopefully), and also interact with the class better. I've learnt alot from this guy too, Myocho Kan. Heard of him before? He's such a great guy with undescribable persuavive skills, such a rich body languages and marvellous English he speaks. The very first time I saw him, he doesn't give me the impression that he is such interesting guy. Once i start to talk to him, he's just totally amazing. During classes, any type of questions we throw at him, he is able to answer you and the answers given is never out of logic and reality. Know why? Because he's the Chief Learning Strategist also the CEO in his company. If you ever get the chance to go to this guy's talks or seminars, never let go of it. I'm sure you'll gain something. I guarantee this.
Well, that's all for today, let us all hope for a better tomorrows and do our best to bring out the very best of tomorrows. GAMBADE~~ -end-
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Heaven of Broken English
well.. let me start from something....
hmmm... well. not too long ago.. something happened.. i dun feel like talking bout it much now but i have an advise for everyone.. dun trust ppl tht easily.. i've never thought of me,myself, who is always thinking tht i won't fall for such petty trick, but i fell into it...
It has been 4 months plus since i'm staying in PJ..everything went well.. except for MATHS!!! sigh.. tot it's already over but it come again... the paper was so tough tht i could hardly answer them. sob sob. but i was told to think positively.. so.. I'LL PASS MY MATHS AND I'LL NEVER RE-SIT FOR MATHS!!!
i'm currently attending a soft skill intensive course whereby it teaches us things like leadership,team building,interpersonal skills and so on.. it cost RM290 but i think it's worth it. so far, i've started to discover who am I... I hope to learn more from this course and hence, upgrading myself and then become a better person.
after reading my frenz' blogs, i found out tht this is also a good way too make my complain to the world instead of me just bugging the few person there... I would like to take this opportunity to thank them.. THANK YOU!!!
life is so unpredictable. things happen just in a blink of an eye and sometimes, we are so powerless to do anything to change wat had happened. all i could tell to my frenz tht are now in their very undelightful moments is tht, FORGIVING PEOPLE IS FORGIVING YOURSELF. PUT A SMILE ON YOUR FACE TRUTHFULLY AND MOVE FORWARD. let bygone be bygone. forgive your enemies but not their names. because they are those ppl who once brought miserable in ur life, but at d same time, they make us grow. we should thank them instead. i hope you guys out there agree with me...
things are just like tht. never ending cycle. treasure everyday. dun spare your time onli for yourself or your family,but also feedback to the society.. do wat u can to help those needy...
p/s: pls do not hesitate to criticise anything, or any opinions or improvements that i should make.. arigatogozaimasu!!!