One of the light shot in the hotel room, purposely under-exposed it. Nice?
I would say that the hotel really is a heritage of time to us. Many many British influence is pretty much visible in there, as well as that old vintage lift, of which I'm kinda sure that many many many many of you have not used it before. You had to open and close the door yourself before the lift started to move. Can imagine that? Haha.
After Mr Gan show us around the places, the girls went and get ready while me and another photographer, Velho is preparing our gears.

The girls getting ready

"Let me help you with your hair. Mini maini mani hom!"
I think the timeline of the story might be a bit jumple up, but never mind, hope you enjoy the pictures.

This is one of the scene where Yuki fell, and Kaname came to help

Looking at each other

Yuki was shocked

Kaname fetched a chocolate threw by Zero

Kaname's leaving

I forgot which scene is this

And Yuki watching from the back

Zero holding Kaname's hand

Kaname watching helplessly...

...at their relationship


Kaname & Zero

Zero with "his" gun

Are you ready?


Kaname posing

It feels more like commercial shooting pulak, to me


Kaname & Yuki

Kaname & Zero

Group shooting (L to R):
See Wah, Relyss, Hitokiri, Velho, Riko, (I don't know her name), Me

Hitokiri shot this
I MUST admit that it is getting harder and harder to photoshoot people/potraits after the more one learns. Out of about 350 shots I got, these are the few that I think is at-least-presentable. Other shots really not that nice. Hitokiri to Riko to Relyss-chan, gomen nasai~
I must learn more. More.
Just a little feedback for Kenny and the gang's hard work. :)
"Kaname watching helplessly......at their relationship"
The blurred transition of Kaname was a nice touch, Kenny !! Really feel 'kam tong' liddat...
Kaname/Relyss really did a good job here !
Ummmm wtf ? xD
"Kaname & Yuki"
Wahliow got red petals.. nice touch. Yuki/Riko looks her best here.
"Kaname & Zero"
Evan bettar. I like hitokiri's expression in the picture !
Just one complaint. Where's the blood ley ? Vampire must got a bit blood mah ! xD
LOL! thanks thanks thanks. suddenly feel like loving you. haha.. some of the petals are real, some are fake. lol!
we waiting for your blood lo,.
the kaname & yuki on the bed shot was good, very good indeed. for me, its the best picture among all. but the next one sucks. totally looks like taking normal picture from on top of bed.
actually did you guys purposely go there and take these shots???
is mr. gan the hotel manager or what??? so kind lo
the last picture SUCKS!
hahahhaha just joking.. hm... looks alot thinner alr... good good
I agree with Wai Loon.. wahhah I want to learn to take photos!! Of people!!!
haha... those on bed one le, we can't get to see through our camera. all lucky shots. LOL! however, thanks! hahah.
you can start off with your cousin. LOL! and i think she looks like one of my fren too from NS.
Take pic of me.. :D
bwahahahaha.. i can also post nude :p
just kidding..
just curious? you all get pay for taking this photo?
hm.... alot curiosities yet to be answered....
btw, i left a comment on your previous blog lo... go reply lar....
LOL! can can.. but you need to pose those err.. yoga pose for those wo. can?
and err... for now I am not yet get paid cos i'm still learning. Maybe next time I charge lo.
haha.. wat more curious thingy?
hm.... got la... unanswered questions... lazy to search for you la... you read previous comments yourself ah... btw, i updated d!
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