For example, Brown Bears are the biggest carnivor on land. Do you know that? If your answer is no, PLEASE GO TO THE ZOO!!! Haha. Not much pictures taken there.

This is my best shot in Zoo Negara

Just in case you don't know, this picture shows an elephant(left) was banana fed by 2 homo sapiens(right)
And we walked down the road. And really, out of expectation, we saw a couple doing something in the public. It supposed to be something REAL private by, they just did it.


Some good sarimatans actually helped the Zoo Negara to maintain Malaysia's reputation to the tourists


It supposed to be "Don't throw stone AT our animals"
After that, I went back and have a quick bath, grab my gears again and I moved on to KLCC. Until I reached Ampang Park, I received a sms from Hao Wei. "KL Tower bro... Not KLCC".
So, I got down at KLCC, and walked at least 1.5km to KL Tower. Yes, I walked the whole way till the main entrance of KL Tower. I thought I lazy to exercise already so today can skip it. God says NO WAY.
Now, SPCA is actually an organisation that helps those stray animals to find a home. They held this event in order for people to bring also their pets along and have interaction with other pet owners and of course, the pets themselves.

This event was so important that they hired special armoured guards to stand ground

Tiger parts: skin, bones, tail, blood, teeth, claws, eyes, whiskers, flesh, belong to the tigers.
I bought this shirt

And this is something unusual to be found. It's called the Sugar Glider according to the owner. Right or wrong, google yourself la. Me sick liao
Kenny! at last you decided to put ur true self picture as the title of your blog eh??
:D haha
and what the heck storm trooper at the SPCA??
=.= X 100000000
haha... He's not the only one. Got the black colour trooper also.. they are the special guards at the event lo.
to prevent Master Yoda from coming.
thought someone say got korean girls? where are their photos? good things must share ma
eh? tak sangka you will leave comments also le! hahaha... aiya... you got gf d you slowly see your gf la. other gals are for single bachelor like me to see one... ngek ngek!
u need to visit the zoo again, because brown bear is not the biggest carnivore on land, its the polar bear, haha...
but recently, a larger carnivore was discovered, this new species named Kenny Yeoh..
it should be 'don't throw stoneS at our animals... lol...
or 'don't throw A stone' but that would sound really stupid... haha...
btw, sugar gliders are quite common actually... lol...
SPCA animals are so beautiful.. dunno why people are so cruel...!
swt..... the first part, maybe i read wrongly. LOL! and the second part, mlm!
mei sze:
wah. so long never see you online wo. haha. amazing!
the dogs really looks nice.. hope to hav3 one.. -.-
haha.. you can always visit to the pet shop nearby. haha.
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