Thursday, November 30, 2006

Final Week In Being Legal

Initially, I planned to have my stay in PJ illegally(in my hostel, not paying for the December rental) for extra one week. But then, after I talked to the manager today, I realised that it's kinda risky so I changed my mind. They offer a package whereby, residents can pay up to how many days they are staying, as long as it is before 15th of the desired month. I'm going to stay until 8th December only so it is not a problem.

So, I unpacked EVERYTHING that I've already packed(to give a fake assumption to them that Ialready left the room). Yes, EVERYTHING! Never mind about ButTerCuP being unethical. People do become like that sometimes right? But still, in the end I went back to the right path again.Here's something that I wanna share with you guys - my room:

This is my locker

Saw the blue luggage? It's mine

This is my table after unpacking everything. Back to normal

Yeap! That's my bed

View from my room, Nice isn't it?

View from my window to the groud floor

Yes, this is ButTeRcUp in his room, camwhoring

I don't think I'll have much time to blog in days to come due to the final. Well, I can do it. God bless me! Gambade everyone!

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