And finally, I get my rest today... Not! After this, I'll still have to get ready for tomorrow's lab, and then the following lab test and also metabolic biochemistry mid term. It's all to be due NEXT WEEK! Dang!
However, we still have a bit time for photo-taking.

Launching of Safety Campaign @ UTAR

You Could Be Next! Don't risk it! Be Prepared!

I won a prize! Must not open my mouth else they'll see my golds!

HAhahahahahahahaha... I can't stand straight already! Muahahah!

Multi-millionaire, Raymond on the left and millionaire, Elaine on the right
Yesterday, we somehow managed to get to meet up with Tan Sri for a lunch meeting. And yeah, this is the first time me, the ButTeRcUp having a meeting with so damn many senior officers and BODs and CEOs.

"Oooi! Got take me leng cai leng cai or not?"

Munch! Munch!

Seriously, this is a lunch meeting. No kidding!

I'm lovin' it!
Tan Sri, President of UTAR is resigning on the 1st of April 2008. April Fool Not! Good luck ahead Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Ng Lay Swee.