So, I went back Penang for this Golden Piggy Chinese New Year. I went back on Friday, right after my class. It was seriously tiring because I drove a portion of the journey before I passed the car back to my mom. I slept a while in car and after I was awake, I took some of these:

My dog fell asleep in car. It has never been in car that long... LOLz!

Every cloud has its silver lining. I think I can add in something else.

When you see this moutain, you can expect yourself somewhere around the town of leng luis, Ipoh

Saw what was inside it? I ate two of the cake before I realised. Was in my gradma's house, kampung people, biasa-lah!

Chicks that my grandma had

I took this when she didn't notice. It was after years since my last time holding a chicken little

The backyard of my granma's house. There are geese, ducks, chickens, and turtles. And a watchdog, of course.

Something familiar? Yeap, it's Mickey! Was arranged that way when I noticed it.

Took in Penang, in my uncle's place. Notice those white coloured dots on the hill? It's a cemetry. But I like the background very much too!

My cousin brother, Keat Kean.

Paid a visit to Aunt Anny in Penang too, and this bread is superb! After how many years, I finally get to eat this again! *Drooling...*

It contains of minced meat, mushroom, garlics and err.. forgot. But so so so so delicious! You can eat is as proper meal because you have everything you need in it

Taken this from my cousin's condo, located 22 storeys high in Penang.

Another "Platinum Hill" huh?

They have slides for kids

This dart is special. From Korea, a magnetic one. First time I saw.

See view from her house

Walking into the microorganism's world

Having Dim Sum in Simpang Ampat, Perak. Treated by my mom's brother. The shop's name is Green House. And it's really green.

These are birds nest. On the left. it's for male and the right, the female. I'm NOT KIDDING! It's hollow in the middle for both, and for the female's, it has a larger compartment to store eggs.

See that bells? It was hang in my grandma's house and guess what? I've knocked into it for more than 10 times in less than 3 days

Back from Penang already. Mom asked my to wash the car and the washer require me to drive it up there. Can you imagine? A little deviation will cause your pocket a hole. JPJ should have put this as part of the driving test instead of the side parking.

Oh, this one. My junior in my house during CNY and she was onlining.
Well, although this trip to Penang doesn't make any profit to me, but, it does brought back lots of my fond memories. Enjoy the pictures ya!