Monday, August 31, 2009
The Biggest Zit In The World
Now, say with me, "OMFG!"
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Celebrating Merdeka And Avoiding HiNi From Raging
Reading Sam's post makes me even more want to write about this.
Looking at the progress of current Malaysia's polictic, it is really a very sad thing. To tell the truth. Any civilian can do better than that, IF they are not greedy and think for their own good only.
More than 52 years ago, our forefathers fought together and we now have what we are having. Indeed, Malaysia sometimes sucks big time, for example, our dearest friend HiNi, when he attacked the world, the rest of the people are doing their best in examining everyone while our officers, only to wake up from their sleep after at least half of the people checked out from the immigration counter and went missing. Unlike China, they had VERY TIGHT security check point, right after you reach, body temperature check in the flight, at the custom and immigration, another time. Malaysia SHOULD HAVE really hire some people who are much more hardworking and not letting Malaysia create another Malaysia Boleh by topping the mortality rate in world. But, when you have the chance to travel to another countries, let it be developed countries or upcoming countries, you'll realised that Malaysia actually sucks NOT(minus the HiNi)!
We are already considered lucky enough that our government still doing not too much wrong things (keeping my fingers crossed), and we are still under a good care in Malaysia if you compare to other places.
If you aren't stationed in overseas for a long time, you won't understand how much I missed Malaysia. The food, the culture, the people, family and friends!

Happy 52nd Birthday Malaysia
p/s: Click this link for more interactive Merdeka's activities. My advise to my people in Malaysia, try NOT TO ATTEND the celebration because, your help spreading HiNi's influence is greatly appreciated. So you can void it. Not asking you not to NOT celebrate, but, celebrating from home is still the same.
I had a bad feeling that H1N1 or Influenza A cases would rise high after 1 week. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Of Badminton, And Sweat.
The session started about 7am until 9am. Amazingly, many people did gave up their beauty sleep, and wake up EVERY SINGLE MORNING just to play badminton. Very good determination and perserverance. People who played are inclusive of the young, the adult, and of course, stunning-damn-pro old people who are still playing this kind of sport without panting. Yes, WITHOUT panting.
Now, let's talk a little bit about the rate that they charge here. Every session is 2 hours per day, and you can come AS MANY DAYS AS YOU WANT (but once a day), and it costs you only RMB 15 per month. And that's RM 7.50 or USD 2.xx. Can you imagine HOW CHEAP is that?!
Unlike in Malaysia, some of the courts even charge you up to RM 40 per 2-hour session! I bet if Wei Chun sees this, he might consider living here. XD!
And, perhaps I should start this habit, waking up every day at 6.30am. Should I?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tik Tok Tik Tok, Oh, That's Another 16 Months To Go, At Least.
It's just another boring day. Now, besides than computer games, anyone else can suggest anything that is interesting enough to last me like 2 years here?
Perhaps, I think I should develope some weird habits, either like House or Monk, to make my day easier to pass.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Sunset and Night Shot
Well, no food pics because... the presentation not nice at all. Hahahahaha! But on the way, I shot a sunset, and also a night shot at the garden below my apartment, of which I NEVER realised until, today.

I like this one alot. But I could have made it better.
Friday, August 21, 2009
A Lonely Man's Night
And, this is what I'm looking for.

Samsung's Anymove. 320GB 2.5"

Well, this thing is pretty cheap. I had been to a store in WuZhou and it costs me about RMB 600 for this but when I buy from this friend of my boss, together with delivery, it costs me only RMB 405. To be exact, it's about RM 200 only. And for the record, delivery from ZhuHai to WuZhou only costs RMB 10. Which is RM 5. How are those 2 places? Just like KL to Penang. Plus minus.
Now my laptop can breathe again.
Coming back to a lonely man in WuZhou. This is what I did tonight.
p/s: It took me damn long to set up and get the angle correct because of no tripod k? The rest of the shots went longkang d.
May All The Parents In The World Stay Strong And Healthy
I am helpless too. I wished that I'm Dr House and it might have just solve everything within a day or two.
God bless everyone. 阿弥陀佛!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Two Days Trip To Hong Kong
Yeap! I went to Hong Kong last week with my boss to have some sight-seeing and jalan-jalan cari makan. I really like to tour around Hong Kong for a few reasons.
One, Hong Kong is really colourful. It's good for shooting.
Second, travelling around the whole Hong Kong is very convenient.
I think that 2 reasons are good enough. LOL! But of course, the food and beverages there can burn a big hole in your pocket. Let's move on.

1. Tour around Hong Kong with Buttercup!


3. From GuangZhou, I took a train directly to Hong Kong, of which, will pass by Lo Wu 罗湖 at the border


5. You're in Hong Kong now. Here is somewhere near New Territories(I dont' know how to spell this) 新界

6. Ikimashou~ Let's go!

7. First cab ride in Hong Kong. These drivers are equipped with GPS.


9. We need to get into a little bit of jam to cross the Cross-Harbour Tunnel to the other side of Hong Kong.


11. Being in Hong Kong for 2 days, I never see drivers who sped or ran the red light.

12. Of course, the icon of Hong Kong, the Tram

13. One of the pedestrian walkway

14. And the maids here damn lucky. They get to have an off day during Saturday or Sunday

15. Oh I met Eason! He was shopping happily

16. Hong Kong's MRT

17. First of all, I really like their MRT. VERY WELL ventilated, MRTs are very fast, and see this board, it even show you which is the next station and it will even tell you which door to use to get down!

18. Their MRT stations are very colourful

19. See it yourself



22. Hong Kong-ians, majority-ly are very good in obeying laws. Say, you can hardly find jaywalkers

23. I went to one of the most famous shopping heaven for girls, the Harbour City



26. See how small is this?

27. First time eating Haagen-Dazs. Double scoop for me and boss, HK$ 47 each.

28. Ah-Ne lost in sea of human



31. These AhBengs were performing at a street and they sing really sucks


33. Toilet signs in Harbour City

34. I had my dinner here

35. HK$ 36, I think this is worth the money

36. Playing with bokeh after meal


38. Biggest LV in Asia I think


40. Sky's getting darker

41. Hong Kong from the front view

42. And all these blur image thanks to no-tripod


44. The next day, travelled by tram


46. Another famous double decker bus in Hong Kong


48. I met Yao-Ming too

49. Tram in action

50. Took my lunch here

51. See? Hot Chicks!

52. Interior design of a roadside restaurant

53. Snapping around while waiting for orders to be served


55. Double Treat, HK$44

56. Oh, you can see this thing in many many places in Hong Kong. Sanitisers.
That's all the pictures for now. For easy viewing, go here.
p/s: Going to Hong Kong again in September. Yay!