First Day:
On my way to Kepong in LRT, I saw a pregnant woman. I let her sit at my place, inviting her politely. "Fuck you la!!!! I'm not pregnant!", and walked to another car, angrily. =.=
Ok, I lied about thing that happened above. Haha! Now, the real thing.
The first day of work, I walked into office damn late actually. About 1030 hours I think. Why? I reached Kepong damn early actually, but my boss asked me to followed him to new shop house and see his contractor.
First job on first day: Civil Engineer + Site Surveyor + Interior Designer
Yeap! Given suggestions here and there and then, only get to go back to office 1030. Hmmm, well, did some office boy thingy then lunch. After lunch, it's show time. He showed me a lot of catalogues. I mean, A LOT. For those who knows the Microbiology textbook that we were using, the catalogue is about 3 times of the thickness. And that's only one out of the tens in the cupboard.
Frankly speaking, the night before, maybe because I'm nervous, I only slept about 4am. And I woke up at 0530. Just imagine after lunch and nice chair with air-cond. I was given a lot of brouchers to bring back to STUDY and yeah, I did STUDY. q(T_T)p
I was given a new table and chair, which are kinda comfortable and big. It's just nice and cosy.
I was so damn tired on the first day due to lacking of sleep, and I hope that I get to have a seat in the KTM train. By God grace, I got a seat! So I happily sit in the train and head towards the LRT KL Sentral.
Before I went for a ride in LRT, I prayed again. "Dear God, please let me have a totally-empty train please!". And, you won't believe this! At about 1900 hours, it's one of the busiest hours you can find in Malaysia's LRT BUT!! The train is empty for real!!!
That's practically the few good things for the first day la~
Day 2:
I woke up damn late today --- 0645. Yesterday, I was in KL Sentral at 0655. Travelling from my hostel to Kepong = 75 minutes (on regular basis). I was like, "I'm doomed! It's just the second day!!!"
I cleaned up myself afap* and get on to LRT and reached KL Sentral in an amazing time of 0735 hours. At this time, in yesterday, I was already on the way to Kepong in KTM. "Oh God! Please let this KTM be late this time like what it always like --- not being punctual!"
I ran afap to buy tickets and ran to the platform. The door of the train had just opened. Time: 0740 hours. I dunno. For these 2 days, God did hear me and everything happen just right in front of my eyes.
So, when I supposed to be late, I reached there about 0800, just like yesterday. Did some office work today.
Job of the day: Graphic Designer + Student
I designed this:

Cool heh? But yeah, not totally everything la. I mean I designed the layout and colour to be used. (Click to enlarge)
After lunch, I was given a briefing on the items that you can see from the picture above. It is seriously damn fun! And I myself is very amazed with the functions of the best pipettors in the market! The most expensive unit costs about RM 5000, and that's prices for government sector(no tax implemented).
It's a regret that I can't demo here for you guys to see how it works but, it seriously brought my definition of technology to another level. You may read up more of it here. By the way, I'm working with this company. They will try to have internship in time to come.
*afap: as fast as possible
eh your job is multiple kind of jobs wan is it?haha btw it sounds kinda nice ho. haha eh ur job is 5 days or 6 days?
looks like someone is happy...
not really multiple la. after i training no liao. hahaa!
haha.. not bad la~
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