As expected. Why watch? Unless you wanna see Malaysia's team being bullied(of which, it's a good entertainment too~)
This is the bread that is used as a prop
Will you ever come back to me?
I'm still waiting
First time taking this kind of angle. Hitokiri-san and Riko-san sure can pose a lot
Seperation of the Vampire Knights
Last hug...
Will we be able to meet again?
Took this cute little lion on the way
Hello? Who wants to sit here dude? FYI, the railing kinda low
5 bucks! No money no talk!
Harry Potter was there too! And Cho Chang on the most right
Just look at the collection of action figures
This one her hair damn yeng!
Saber from Fate Stay Night (Nope I never watched this)
I don't know who is this SailormoonGirl
I like this picture most! Hopefully I can reach a level like this one day, taking REAL HUMAN BEINGS
This action figure is very nice
Went out for a short break and borrowed Hitokiri's Tonfas to played with
We have Chaos Commander there with Arnold's thingy
See Wah with her bread. Can't remember her character's name
Just look at her tattoos
One of the big bunch of cosplayers
Don't-know-who with See Wah
Took this dunno how many moons ago. Creative rite?
Ovation from Vistalab
"Eh you kat sana! Cakap English!!"
Every microscope have their own cabinet
And UTAR's Microbiology lab is only 1/4 of their Microbiology lab
Bihun by Li Yin. Must say nice to eat ok?! Haha! It's nice actually. I ate 3 plates!
And many more
Like usual, our cups are decorated. Taken by Voon Yun
Specially for my friends from Indonesia
Trying to be like Monkey King
Then the guys poses
The gals.. Lelong lelong!
Jagung the Bday Gal
Happy Birthday in Advance o~ Taken by Lady Ghost
I don't know why but I like to capture her with her mouth open. If you noticed, in previous posts I have a few of her pics with her mouth opened too!
She so happy got Chiyar Lock the leng cai to open champagne with her
Last shot before we left
Happy Birthday to my roommate, Dr Tai
See that, he's trying to stop us from eating that cake
Forced to dance with Teddy Bears
It's really a port
We have Cacing and Kambing setting up the fire
While Tomm Kruise Cow do the "supervision"
Hey man, give Shazeer and Vinesh a big clap for setting up that stove!
Rise of the Spirits Within
Flower of Life
We have these, also chickens, otak-otak, various drinks
Lucky Cacing surrounded with girls
Group shot but the 3 machos at the back aren't ready.