Monday, April 30, 2007
Whole New Magician!
And we can all do the magic he perform!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Tribute To You
In Chinese beliefs, especially those who believes in Feng Shui, aquatic animal which died in your house, had done a good deed, which is protecting you, by sacrificing themselves fighting the evil forces/spirits.
It has gave up on his life in order to protect us who are in this house.
May you rest in peace, O-Gui.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
UTAR's Special Holiday
Woke up again at 10, after preparation, and went to school at 1030. I gotta took a taxi that costs me RM3.00 to be there in school. KNNCCB. So expensive taking cabs alone.
I took my branch in school and I proceeded to the ATM in school. I was trying to withdraw money to pay for me fees next semester. Like usual, I key in all the PINs and bla bla bla, and I chose, "Other Amount" and keyed in RM 4,000.
"You request is denied. This machine can only allow a maximum withdrawal of RM 1,000 at a time."
WTF? Then why the hell you put "Other Amout" there? For fun? To tempt people ar? Siao! And I've got no choice to withdraw the money, 4 times. Until the fourth time, "Your circulation limit has reached today. Please try again." Dang!!!! I just only remembered that I set them to a maximum of RM3,000. Sigh.... Luckily, I got a Maybank ATM card as well to withdrew the last grand.
I headed to the Finance Department. It was pitch black. 0_O||?
I saw one staff from ICTC Department and I went forward to asked him.
"Hi there! Do you know when will the Finance Department open today?"
"Oh, no. It's not opening today."
"Because today is UTAR's holiday!"
"UTAR got special holiday one meh?"
Before he get to say anything, "Oh oh. I know d. Thanks." and I left.
DO YOU KNOW WHY UTAR has a holiday today? It's the dunno-what-what Installation Day of the Paduka Seri Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agung.
It's such a stupid day for me. Going to school such early morning, paying 3 bucks for cab, 3 bucks for branch, and withdrew a 4 grand just to realise that, IT IS PUBLIC HOLIDAY.
Till then.
p/s: Don't attempt to rob me. Robbing me aka attempting suicide. LOLz! Have a nice day peeps!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
My First Video On YouTube!
However,after sitting this paper and met Dr. Woo today, I've gained more confidence in this time's final! がんばってみなさん!Let's push it high!
p/s: I forgot to do the last question, at the very very very last page. But nevermind, 5 MARKS only mar! Hahahahaha!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
I Found The Spirit
Yeap! I went back to STAR and met up with sir and a few seniors. It was a last minute decision to go there but I didn't intended to do training. However, I saw something that I missed for a long time --- focusing pads! Seeing Kim Huat and Hong Yew all kicking, I suddenly felt the buring passion is back on to me!
Not only that, today got a few leng lui juniors come back also lar! So they make my day also! LOLz!
Plan to do some jogging tomorrow. It's time to find back the good ol' me. blek!
Then in the afternoon, I went back to school again to join the new prefectorial board for their Unity Programme. It was not that bad, just that, time management is not that good. Haha!
Guess who I met today during the Unity Programme? I met Ei Ling, Vinu, Jenny, Yoke Leng and not forgetting, our transformed Sim Mei Jie Jie! Her hair so long already lor and has gotten prettier! Haha! ( Hey, you owe me one ar! Blek! )
Just that sorry ya, didn't get to fetch you back as my brother was waiting in the rain.
Yeah, this is a lousy blog. ZzzZzzZzZ.
I've found the spirit. All I need now is endurance and preserverance.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I Feel Good!
I Feel Good, NanananaNa!
“And as you can see our attire today, it is what we have in the theme,” As he turned to face his group members, none of them were wearing the theme’s colour like what he has mentioned. He continued his presentation. It was a minimum requirement whereby each group must send at least 2 presenters and guess what he has done? One man show. Fine.
That’s all I want to say. You may dismiss now.”
- Max, I don’t like you when I first saw you. You just too selfish.
- Have you ever feel any failure or disappointment in your life Max? This is actually what you are giving to the people.
- Have you actually help others, in anyway? Anyway.
- Have you ever consider what kind of impact you’ve given to other’s confidence? How much you’d hurt them? Did you KNOW?
- You seriously KiaSu Max.
- You suck bad. Real bad.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Four rounds of food and these are among them
See how much food my friends prepared?
This is something special that I got... Haha! I'm not that old rite?

See what this pole is for in the LIFT?
We went to Green Box today!!!
Eat all you can!

Wah, so red!!!
See, yeng or not?
This is the present from my friends here! Thanks alot!
This is my 21st birthday! Haha! Once in a life time! Thanks alot ya people!!! Appreciate all these alot! Muacks~みなさん、ありがとございます!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Almost Lost My Chance Serving The Country
Fuiyoooh... Sexy arms!!!
::A few hours before today morning...::
"You should wear this.... That!!"
But of course, thanks to Rachel, ButTeRcUp got lots of complements today. (^^,)::Yesterday::
She insisted to take a pic before leaving the lift
Derek together with WaWa, Bulat-bulat, Timun, and Sheng Jye pay a suprise visit to the Pent House
::Today::This is the hectic part! Read below:
I was having my breakfast nicely in the canteen while suddenly, 2 of my friends showed up and asked :"Hey, you are going to the camp later rite?"
o_O !!!!!!!!! OMG!!! I totally forgotten about it as I thought it was cancelled! Dang! And guess what am I wearing? My sexy clothes (refer above pictures)!!! I don't have a proper attire for me to carry out the medical checkup! But with no choice, I removed the sexy T-shirt there and wore only my jacket to the camp (because must have collar). This time, we go to Kem Wardieburn to do the checkup. Everything was doing fine. Until.......
Senior: "Last time we only do three rounds of jogging. That's all!"
"Okey! Masa untuk jogging. Lari di car park ini sepuluh round saje."
The girls have their eyes opening wide (did I tell you that there are a lot of girls joined! And got 2 leng luis ler!). But to me... "Aiya, 10 round only ma, sap sap water lar!", and off we go.
Phewwww... Finally after ten rounds. "Sila buat tepuk lalat 3 kiraan 1, 10 kali."
*Seniors eyes o_O*
We did.
"Sila buat star jump 10 kali, kiraan saya."
"Ok! Nampak semangat nih!!! Tekan tubi, 10 kali. "
"I sure can do this", I told myself.
"... Kiraan saya!"
Now this is problem. I've wasted so much energy at the jogging part, thinking that only ten rounds, but, now, all this! Plus, I has got a minor, long-term injury at my elbow. Dang!!!! But luckily, I still get to finished all the tekan tubis.
This car park not that big rite? Sap sap water lar! (Your head!!!)
It was seriously a good experience to be at that camp, after such long time. Mostly, I'll pass my checkup. The only thing left to pass is, my FINAL EXAMS! Than I can go for my "vacation"...
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Dissapointment In Myself
Today I had skipped a class. Public Relations tutorial. 2 reasons why I didn't attend the class. First, for the first time I didn't do this subject's tutorial. Secondly, I'm really exhausted. Trying to hide myself from reality.
I really regretted that I skipped the class, and making myself avoiding realities. This is not me. Give me some time. I'll change. I really need time for that.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Towards Adulthood, NOT!
Errr.. I think I need to improve more...
This is a gel tank which we used to do DNA analysis

Well, it's just tea, not Tiger Beer
Having a hair cut in a saloon
Dyed my hair...
This one not bad
When on the way back to Setapak, my mom, brought along my sisters and I, went to Pyramid to do some shopping. They bought me a jacket, the shirt above and a pair of errr... trousers? Thanks to them! Haha!
And I did my hair! Finally I dyed my hair. But to most of them, I look more Ah Beng and Ah Fei and LaLa in that hair. Oh well, never mind. Get some critic once in a while is fine. Blek!
Happy April Fool's Day, fools!