Can you see the crowd?!
Now, let's talk less and start looking at the pictures. It's my first time shooting at this kind of event and I really learnt a lot from here. Most of the pictures will be bad so, bear with me ya.

We have 3 Captain ranking chicks here to control the crowd

And we have sexynurses standby, just in case anyone is lacking of blood due to high blood pressure & nose bleed

I just have one picture here for you to see, the rest, imagine yourself. Maxis = green, Celcome = purple, Digi = yellow, Izzi = orange, bla bla bla. It's a colour war.

There's a clown!
And so, I kept on shooting, and suddenly, I saw a damn blardy familiar gang!

Nobita spotted me taking his picture and he turned and blinked at me!

The nurses are actually promoters

I like this one!

Maybe some of you have this little question in your mind, especially the guys but never dared to asked. Let me help you with it. The question is: How come you get to snap those girls looking into your camera one? They pose for you to shoot or you just shoot?
The answer to the question is actually very very simple. I learnt the answer the very long way, and the very hard way. Here's the answer: Just approach them, "Hi there, can I take a picture of you?". If their answer is "Yes", snap and say "Thank you", else, says "Thank you" too.
Again, many of YOU out there has got no balls to ask. Don't deny. I was in your shoes before. I know. So, I told my friend, "If you want what you want, you will have to ask for it". And they did it successfully, every single time. A little tips again for you, snapping pictures of chicks &
We then move on to eat Sushi King at Suria KLCC. One thing very very very odd with this Sushi King today is that, it's conveyer belt is moving WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to fast today.

See how fast o not?!

Not lying de

And guess who spotted me? Jo Lynn, May Lynn & MyKy

Last but not least...

...Merry Christmas to me
I bought a 1TB External Hard Disk for RM299, the 100 piece Sony DVD+R for RM75 and Karpersky for RM 50. Good deal?
wah.......... best entry ever!!!!
wah.......... drooling!!!!
wah.......... i so want to go kl for pc fair alr. melaka sucks! klcc rocks!!
ugh.......... monster at with two leng lui at the last 3 picture!
haha.. i'll be surely going for the next pc fair again. hahaha! yeah tht monster knn get to eat with leng luis.
no wonder ask me got go onot la... keep shooting girls oni haha...
Haha, didnt see u there.
u have alot of girl shoots ler, nice~
the kaspersky u bought was not a really good deal...
i bought 2-user Bitdefender antivirus for only RM47...
and actualy the Kaspersky price (on the 2nd day i went) has drop to RM40...
hahha... now u know lo. ngek ngek.
o i went ytd wo. u was tehre too? haha.. din see u wo. haha.. bought anything?
oh really? haha.. I dunno le. it seems that I trust karpersky. LOL! But nevermind, I saved almost a hundred on the external hard disk d. haha.
Haha, I've nothing to buy. Just for a walk =P
1 Terabytes for wat? omg... and summor so many dvd+r?
why? u starting a pirating company d:D
how dare u kenny go take leng lui pic din call me... i also can be the model together with them ma:D
ooo~ shopping for eye candy heh? haha.
hahaha.. pirating company. sounds like a good idea to me since i'm lacking of $$$.
aiyah.. me wan take gals models ma. haha. actually i wanted to take the guys *I swear* but they all wear normal T only. sien. so ma din take them lo.
so if you go u need to mascot le.
Chances are higher if u're using a DSLR; for professional use XD
if digicam, it's for own use i.e. fap fap fap :p
u reli got all the best view in pc fair.. how come i din get to c those.. next time i want go with u le.. T_T
haha, not only see leng lui lar. keke, got snap some gadget photo oso de. =P
hahaa.. no le. really. you just have to ask them, 99.99% you'll get it, whatever phone that you're using.
Han Wei:
LOL! Cos i only have 2 objectives when I go there. First, buy things that i need; Secondly, snap those girls n guys(sadly guys all just normal T-shirt). That's why my eyes hunt better.
oooo.. haha.. I tot u snap some luis photo also. haha.
OMG!! Really wish i was there to join u guys..and look at the faces of the two beasts (nxxk, wxx jxx), trying so hard to hold back their saliva and the 'ham ju sao'..if the picture is slightly bigger, maybe we can see something bumping out from their pants..haha..
wonder any of the girls fall prey to these beasts.....
haha.. rest assure, the beasts failed to do anything tht day. LOL!
why look like cosplay de...
nicky sure happy la...
you also la...
WAhhh...you were there also..XD
that place, i went that time..really KANASAI JAM..!!
the amount of time trapped in the jam is enough for me to go ipoh and balik liao....kanasai rite?!
anyway, great pics.!! must learn from you liao si fu..
coz ....i ...also...bought...a...DSLR..there...
and no..i joined the dark force...haaha....didn't get sony alpha..XD....
mei sze:
hahaha.. i happy cos i get to learn more.. different from them. LOL!
haha.. not sifu yet la. tht day i went tehre also test all the lighting ma. haha.. dark force.. err.. nikon or canon?
"Nobita spotted me taking his picture and he turned and blinked at me!"
LOL to that!! xD
teruk lahhh! so many leng luis.. why didnt jio me?!!! i wanna kap lui also!!! ><
buttercup>> HAHA..canon la..XD btw, all the pics you take, got tweak the contrast and brightness in photoshop ka? damn nice la the pictures come out. ^^
hahaha... later u go there i keep on shooting you how le? LOL!
hahah... got a bit touch up la~ LOL!
wah! so many ppl commented here... i "hm hou chap xu" lo...
hi there everybody. hi! hi here! hi there! hi! hi right and left up and down. hi where? hi here! hi there! hi everyone. hi la! hi 5! hi5 loti! hi5 speaker! hi5! gip mee fy! hi!
LOL! seems that you're under some great stress heh? wassup?
how come no once approach me for photo snap? ><
i'm jz few steps away from the traffic / police girl. not fair :(
really? OMG. I didn't know you're there. will you be working in the next PC Fair?
This time I'm a bit rushing so I just go and snap about 50 pics then I go already. Next time I will mostly stay longer, till night perhaps. And and, u look familiar. Do I know you? @.@
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