Yeap, it's PIKOM PC Fair December 2008 in KLCC. I went there together with Nicky and Wei Chun. My main purpose there is to buy something, and of course, shooting.
Can you see the crowd?!
Now, let's talk less and start looking at the pictures. It's my first time shooting at this kind of event and I really learnt a lot from here. Most of the pictures will be bad so, bear with me ya.
We have 3 Captain ranking chicks here to control the crowd
And we have sexynurses standby, just in case anyone is lacking of blood due to high blood pressure & nose bleed
I just have one picture here for you to see, the rest, imagine yourself. Maxis = green, Celcome = purple, Digi = yellow, Izzi = orange, bla bla bla. It's a colour war.

There's a clown!
And so, I kept on shooting, and suddenly, I saw a damn blardy familiar gang!
Nobita spotted me taking his picture and he turned and blinked at me!
The nurses are actually promoters

I like this one!

Maybe some of you have this little question in your mind, especially the guys but never dared to asked. Let me help you with it. The question is:
How come you get to snap those girls looking into your camera one? They pose for you to shoot or you just shoot?The answer to the question is actually very very simple. I learnt the answer the very long way, and the very hard way. Here's the answer: Just approach them, "
Hi there, can I take a picture of you?". If their answer is "Yes", snap and say "Thank you", else, says "Thank you" too.
Again, many of YOU out there has got no balls to ask. Don't deny. I was in your shoes before. I know. So, I told my friend, "
If you want what you want, you will have to ask for it". And they did it successfully, every single time. A little tips again for you, snapping pictures of chicks &
cocksguys in this kind of event is usually a
99.99% of "Yes" to your request. And only
0.01% of chicks or guys will say no. And one of my friend after successfully taking 3 pictures with different chicks, he fell at the 0.01% at the 4th time. Bah!
We then move on to eat Sushi King at Suria KLCC. One thing very very very odd with this Sushi King today is that, it's conveyer belt is moving WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to fast today.
See how fast o not?!
Not lying de
And guess who spotted me? Jo Lynn, May Lynn & MyKy
Last but not least...
...Merry Christmas to me
I bought a 1TB External Hard Disk for RM299, the 100 piece Sony DVD+R for RM75 and Karpersky for RM 50. Good deal?