Edited! Heavily!You know? All these while we have people calling themselves Wizards and Witch, Mythbusters and Ghostbusters? Today, I wanna introduce you the whole new Mythbuster --- The B-cup!
(Only available in this episode, unless, that particular "ghost" flame me up!)Like all other photography lovers, we often surf websites and forums to look for new ideas to add into our inspiration. I came acrossed something like this today in some forums.
Hmmmm. I thought it might be something interesting. Something that will catch my attention and make me feel hairy. Alas, something rather disappointed.
It was "A" who started off the thread by posting numerous pictures of spiritual energy and supercharged orbs
(yeah rite!). The first picture itself that I see, it already give me that kind of feeling that IT'S DAMN FUCKING FAKE!
I went on looking at all the pictures he posted. Oh Gosh! They are all of the same pattern!!! Using the same technique
(that is if I were correct and he's faking it, I still believe that they are all fucking FAKE!)!
In the thread, someone actually questioned him. He replied that he had been doing this kind of research since 12 years ago.

12 years of night photography experience
Then in the website's header, it's stated there "
Researching the unknown since 2007". o.O? 2007? I thought it was like
12 years ago? Nevermind. Let's keep it going on.
"Researching the unknown since 2007"
In the following print screen, it's actually the FAQ from his website. It stated at the answer portion for S3, "
Sepanjang 4 tahun dalam kajian paranormal secara solo..."

4 years of research
EXCUSE ME!? I thought it's supposed to be 12 years, again? Or since 2007? That was like barely 2 years?
Now, I believe the next print screen is his true purpose.

"Macha! Please buy my book dey! It's only RM1000 per book, limited edition, 100 books only. We believe it's worth it"
He mentioned WE BELIEVE =.=
I just hate it when people try to make business that way. And most importantly, I hate it when people trying to fake things!

His version of "supercharged orbs"

My version of "supercharged orb"
p/s: Oppsy... I got a "blackmail" from him. Legal action will be taken. LOL! Nevermind. I'm clean now. *winks* see that "Son of a Bitch" on the right? Yeap.. that's..... Did I say him? No rite? Wokay.