Well then, I in the end made up my mind to go to KLCC to see if there's something new coming up. Oh yes~ I saw my love, the Sony Flash Gun. *Drool~*
After that, then only I go eat my lunch...Alone.

Everytime I go to Sakae, surely have this Kaikiage. You MUST try!

I ordered this

And this... I love the texture and the taste of salmons
Now, back to today. I went to this Taekwondo grading, of which I hasn't really been much involved already. However, everytime when I see young hot bloods are doing their very best in this very grading, it boils my blood again.

Promoted... Not me la. I'm planning this year end. Must cut... down... fats....

Cherry, promoted to 1st Dan

Yvone, promoted to 1st Dan

Kim Huat who's taking his 4th Dan:"You're going down dude!"
Oh ya, by the way, check out this video promoted by Bruce Lee. It might appear not to be what you're expecting, but watch till it ends. Okay?
p/s: Gorilla Kwan & Bruce Lee, I'm gonna kick both of ya asses!
HUUUAAA! Tiba tiba I become Bruce Lee LOL!
hahaha must live to that name lol!
Hahaha come come... I'm waiting for my colleague to start a kick boxing club.. then I shall train slowly. haha...
Wai Loon's video made me lose my confidence man.. Lol no longer inspired to train. Haiz.. lol
wtf.... i thought you guys saw kim huat's video?? i'm still very far compared to him leh..
wei, my video mean nothing la... i'm so damn bloody far from a really good fighter...
so no need scared ah... we are still even cos never really fight before... really.. i may seem good but i'm really not that good...
oh... street fight? hm... if no rules maybe i got a chance la.. hhahahahahahaha...
No rules can. except for down there. Then no prob. no gloves. muahahahaha!
wah siao.... i alr not very handsome you still want to make it worse meh.... no good la like that.. with gloves, mouth piece, vest and head gear la at least... aiya, fully geared la if possible.. i dont want to kill someone leh...
swt... hahaha... full gear can't catch ppl!
wei wei, you got found your other half or not?
the dare that i dare you, did you do it?? No right? Chicken!
Haven't get to find la. That day rite, went there feel like doing it, but none of my kind le.
so i hold back lo...
whoa don't want to kill someone. I will go for headgear, gloves (we can get those MMA style gloves). I say screw the rest! Hmm.. mouth piece seems all right, it won't interfere at all.
Lol Wai Loon, what at least! You want a full suit of armour? lol
Anyways, we can have some light sparring and testing before going all out so that no serious injuries occurs.
I just want to rant: I WANT MIN SOON"S BLODD!!!!!!!!!
yeah yeah yeah!!!! Min Soon... I know you're reading this.. are you scared? mauahhahahah!
jx: maybe later he use this and send to to NSA and FBI come find us le. hahahaha!
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