Monday, January 29, 2007

Hand Stand By ButTeRcUp

Yes, you are seeing what you are seeing. Not and an upside-down picture but it is really a hand stand, by your ButTeRcUp!

This is my first hand stand, helped by Manosh

There, our Superman Manosh, doing knuckle-stand, also taught me how to do hand stand

Chun Wah doing a hand stand. He does helped me a lot too in advising me on how to do it

Doing split... But the moment the cameraman took it, I slipped

Three Man Standing

This is after training. In order to remember it better, I did a few more times

Hahahahahahahahah! Finally, I can do a hand stand on my own just after a half-an-hour training. I'm the MAN! Of course, mental strength and telling myself positive things really helps alot!

Hey kids, DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME! Pictures shown above are done by highly trained professionals.

Thanks to Chun Wah and Manosh!!!

1 comment:

Bobby D. said...

nice handstand. i remember learning that at school, but I couldn't do it anymore.

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