Sunday, August 07, 2011

Exotic Thai Girl in Shopping Mall

What?! Thai girl?! You must have read wrong. I meant tiger. LOL.

Unlike usual, I suddenly have some mood to bring my big ass camera mounted with Minolta 50mm F1.7 and go out for a stroll. To my surprise, it ain't a bad call to bring my camera along because I'm seeing exotic Thai girl tiger along with other exotic animals.

1. If you watched Lion King, you know who is this!

2. Tortoise

3. Python... i guess. 

4. You! Hands up!

5. Meow~

6. Croc.

7. Why no one see me?

8. Parrot

9. Owl. 

10. Jealous. 


12. A curious one looking on.

13. Feeding the cub and take picture. I don't know how much though but surely, it'll costs a bomb. 

14. Squirrel!

15. Puppy testing on its new cloth. 

And the next picture, is the MOST exotic animal that they ever brought to this animal exhibition..


16. Pikachu. 

Have a nice day people.
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