Sunday, September 06, 2009

How To Pop Your Popcorns Using Cell Phones

Have you ever wants to eat popcorn while you're watching movies at home? Worry not! Let me teach you how to make popcorn at home, using your cell phones.

*Load all the videos, silent it all and paused them, then only watch one by one*

We have people...

...from all over the world actually cooking their popcorns using cell phones

Now, are you ready to try to learn how to cook? If yes, too bad! You ain't cookin' nothing! Confused? Let's see the video below.

CNN teaches you how to cook

Let's see some noobs trying to pop their pop corn

So... still going to cook your popcorn?


ck said...

erm... the fire at last video look fake.. haha

Joshualaw said...

Wow~ Luckily i seldom use my hp to call...mostly just sms-ing...;P Phiew~

buttercup said...

buttercup fansi:
hahahahaa.pop pop pop!

yeah.. damn fake! haha! that's why i put noob there. lol!

lol! still it might pop ur nuts. lol!

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